
Running - C25k Week 3

Tonight I begain week 3 on the Couch 2 5k challenge. I am usually watching The Biggest Loser on Tuesday nights, but decided to do my workout while watching my favorite show. I moved my treadmill into my bedroom so I'll be all ready to go. Another reason for moving my equipment, is because my daughter is moving back home soon and I have to empty out her bedroom. Goodbye exercise room.

My new workout space
I was a little nervous about this week's workout since I have to jump from running 90 second intervals to 3 minutes. At the same time, I am confident that I can do this! I got my shoes, my water and my pedometer ready and hit the treadmill.

One thing I found out rather quickly, is that I need to bring my big fan into my bedroom when I'm working out. The ceiling fan just didn't do the job. I was able to increase my speed during tonight's workout. Except during the last 3 minute interval, I had to slow down some. I'm hoping workout 2 will be a little easier.

After finishing the workout, I noticed my ankle began hurting. Since I've sprained this one several times, it gives me trouble occasionally. I immediately got the ice pack and elevated it. After a few minutes it felt much better, so I did some strength training with my weights.

I felt optimistic about the workout tonight. It was a little harder than week 2, but I love the challenge! I guess I have to get used to using ice packs and muscle cream after running workouts. I really want to move my running outside and get off the treadmill. Mental note: find a running trail to use this week.

Runners just do it - they run for the finish line even if someone else has reached it first.  ~Author Unknown

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